Calendar of Conferences and Events
July 25-28, Equip & Encourage Seminar for churches of the Church of God network in Canada. Mission Springs Church of God, Kelowna, BC
May 3-5, Saturday orchestra rehearsal, Sunday, Orchestra and congregational song integrated into sermon on 2 Peter 3, 3-11. Gifhorn—Evangelische Baptisten-Gemeinde.
April 15-21 Teaching Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity at Selah Arts Worship School, Tirana, Albania
Oct 6-23 Ministry Trip To Mennonite Colonies in Mexico - Swift, Manitoba
Oct 26-30 Anbetung: Mehr als ein Lied Waldbröl Mennonite Brethren Church, Waldbröl, Germany,
Nov 2-5 Men's Retreat - 2 Peter 1:3-11 - Teilnahme An Der Göttlichen Natur Christiliches Gemeindezenturm Halver, Radevormwald, Germany
Nov 11-12 Worship Leaders Conference, The Power and Beauty of God’s Song in a Time of War. Mukachevo, Ukraine
Nov 18-19 Levite Conference, Talinn, Estonia
January 2-8 Recording of No Ordinary Story, Whitewater Studios - Roy Salmond, Surrey, BC
January 9-31 Editing of No Ordinary Story
Feb 1 - 21 Israel Trip (non ministry but a powerful time of learning)
March/April/May - Editing of No Ordinary Story continues - recording and notes
March/April.May - Time for writing of Biblical Insights on Worship in English and Ukrainian (sign-up link for English), (sign up link for Ukrainian version on Telegram)
May 25-26 Chilliwack Church of God, 45814 Lewis Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 3C4 Saturday - Choosing Songs that Glorify God, unify and edify. Sunday - What is true biblical worship?
July 14, 2019 Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC "Strategically Placed"
Aug 17, 2019 Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC "Choosing songs that glorify God, unify and edify"
October 12-Nov 15 Trip being planned to Ukraine, Baltics, Germany and England
October 3-6 Grace Ukrainian Baptist Church, Warminster, Pennsylvania. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity
Nov 6 - 11 Evangelische Baptisten-Gemeinde, I.Koppelweg 69, Gifhorn, DE
Nov 15, 16 Intensivseminar: Musik im Gottesdienst Bibelseminar Bonn, Ehrental 2-4 53332
Bornheim-Roisdorf, DE
Nov. 18-24 Evangeliums-Baptisten-Gemeinde Wiesbaden, Dahlienweg 2, Wiesbaden
January 27 - Conference Kyiv, Ukraine Click here for my conference invite. Click here for Facebook Web Page Info in Ukrainian
Feb 5 -20 Germany
Feb 8-11 Blasorchester Baptisten-Gemeinde in Gifhorn am I.Koppelweg 69
Feb 17 Christliche Musik- und Kunstakademie e.V.
Oct. 28 Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC
Feb 8-11 Blasorchester Baptisten-Gemeinde in Gifhorn am I.Koppelweg 69
Feb 17 Christliche Musik- und Kunstakademie e.V.
Oct. 28 Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC
Jan 14, 15 First Ukrainin Baptist Church of Seattle, Federal Way, WA, USA
Germany & Ukraine
Feb 5-9 Ukraine - Itinerary TBA
Feb 10,11 Dirigententage, Lemgo, Germany
Feb 14-22 Germany - Itinerary TBA
March 3-4
The Levite Summit, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, BC
Germany & Ukraine
May 12-13 Music Conference, Kiev, Ukraine
May 17-21 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, GERMANY
Sept 24, Oct 1, 15, 22 Four part Series: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity
Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC
Germany & Ukraine
Feb 5-9 Ukraine - Itinerary TBA
Feb 10,11 Dirigententage, Lemgo, Germany
Feb 14-22 Germany - Itinerary TBA
March 3-4
The Levite Summit, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, BC
Germany & Ukraine
May 12-13 Music Conference, Kiev, Ukraine
May 17-21 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, GERMANY
Sept 24, Oct 1, 15, 22 Four part Series: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity
Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC
April 3, 10, 17, 24 True Biblical Worship - 4 Part Series
Vernon Church of God, 4312 25 St. Vernon, BC May Trip to Germany, Ukraine May 3-8 Ukraine - Kiev May 9-15 Evangeliums-Baptisten-Gemeinde Wiesbaden, Dahlienweg 2, Wiesbaden May 19-21 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, GERMANY May 23 - 29 Christliche Brüdergemeinde Fulda-Kohlhaus June 6 Teaching Christliche Musik Akademie, Stuttgart 4 PART SERIES: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Road to Unity and Spiritual Maturity Sept 18, 28; October 2, 9 Mission Springs Church of God, Kelowna, BC 2015January 31-Feb 1
Missions Fest Vancouver, Performing Arts Groups in Cross-Cultural Ministry (Saturday 5:00 pm) April 29 Conducting Workshop at Kelowna Christian School May 4 - 27 Trip to Germany, Ukraine May 7-9 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, GERMANY May 18 - 24 Christliche Brüdergemeinde Fulda-Kohlhaus May 28 - June 4 Ukraine - Music History Part 1 Book Launch Oct 10-12 Special Thanksgiving Fest - Edmonton Church of God Co-conductor of combined choir of Vernon and Kelowna Church of God Oct 14 Prairie College Oct. 18 10 AM/6:30 PM Prairie Tabernacle - Three Hills Oct 22-30 Recording of No Ordinary Story - Surrey - Whitewater Productions Nov 15, 22 Dec 6, 13 11:00 AM "What is True Biblical Worship" Missions Springs Church of God, Kelowna, BC |
January 24-26
Missions Fest Vancouver, Short-term Creative Arts Missions Teams (Saturday 12:30, Room 16)
January 29
Arts Round Table, Pacific Life Bible School
March 14-15
The Levite Summit, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, BC
May Trip - Ukraine, Germany
May 15-17 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, Germany
June 7, 2014
Nurturing the Artistic Temperament
The Shining Rose, 2229 Lehmann Rd, Abbotsford
August 20-23
Project Work on Lamb Musical, Goodseed, Olds, Alberta
September 27 - December 15
Based at the Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt, Germany.
Oct 1-5 Themenreihe: Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt (Click to download flyer invitation Flyer_Anbetung_Heute
Anbetung heute!?
Mi 1.10.14 19:00h Was ist Anbetung?
Do 2.10.14 19:00h Musik: Zur Anbetung erschaffen?
Fr 3.10.14 8:00h Anbetung mit Psalmen, Lobgesängen und geistlichen Liedern?
Sa 4.10.14 18:00h Anbetung und das größte Gebot
So 5.10.14 10:00h Einheit und geistliche Reife in der Anbetung
Nov 18 - 23 Evangeliums-Baptisten-Gemeinde Wiesbaden, Dahlienweg 2, 65201 Wiesbaden
Dec 6 19:00 Adventskonzert: “STELL DIR VOR ES IST WEIHNACHTEN”
Christuskirche Hohenahr-Erda
Frankenbacher Straße 2 35644 Hohenahr-Erda, GERMANY
Dec 7 17:00 Adventskonzert: “STELL DIR VOR ES IST WEIHNACHTEN”
Evangelische Freikirchliche Gemeinde Straubing, GERMANY
Dec 13, 14 Adventskonzert: Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt, GERMANY
Missions Fest Vancouver, Short-term Creative Arts Missions Teams (Saturday 12:30, Room 16)
January 29
Arts Round Table, Pacific Life Bible School
March 14-15
The Levite Summit, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, BC
May Trip - Ukraine, Germany
May 15-17 Hirtenkonferenz, EBTC, Wittenberg, Germany
June 7, 2014
Nurturing the Artistic Temperament
The Shining Rose, 2229 Lehmann Rd, Abbotsford
August 20-23
Project Work on Lamb Musical, Goodseed, Olds, Alberta
September 27 - December 15
Based at the Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt, Germany.
Oct 1-5 Themenreihe: Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt (Click to download flyer invitation Flyer_Anbetung_Heute
Anbetung heute!?
Mi 1.10.14 19:00h Was ist Anbetung?
Do 2.10.14 19:00h Musik: Zur Anbetung erschaffen?
Fr 3.10.14 8:00h Anbetung mit Psalmen, Lobgesängen und geistlichen Liedern?
Sa 4.10.14 18:00h Anbetung und das größte Gebot
So 5.10.14 10:00h Einheit und geistliche Reife in der Anbetung
Nov 18 - 23 Evangeliums-Baptisten-Gemeinde Wiesbaden, Dahlienweg 2, 65201 Wiesbaden
Dec 6 19:00 Adventskonzert: “STELL DIR VOR ES IST WEIHNACHTEN”
Christuskirche Hohenahr-Erda
Frankenbacher Straße 2 35644 Hohenahr-Erda, GERMANY
Dec 7 17:00 Adventskonzert: “STELL DIR VOR ES IST WEIHNACHTEN”
Evangelische Freikirchliche Gemeinde Straubing, GERMANY
Dec 13, 14 Adventskonzert: Evangelische Baptisten Brüdergemeinde Pfungstadt, GERMANY
January 14-17
Project Work on Lamb Musical, Goodseed, Olds, Alberta
January 18-19
Nurturing the Artistic Temperament, N’Vision & Prairie Bible College, Prairie Campus, Three Hills, AB
March 20 - April 21
Ministry in Eurasia, Ukraine, Germany.
September through November - Based in Stuttgart, Germany
Sept 20-21 Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Sept 22 - Oct 7 Resource Development - Christian Music Academy - Kiev/Irpin, Ukraine
Oct 11-12 - EBTC, Berlin (
Oct 14 - Nov 4 Stuttgart, TeachBeyond
Nov 8 - 10 National Youth Congress, Ukraine
Nov 10 - 16 Christian Music Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania
Project Work on Lamb Musical, Goodseed, Olds, Alberta
January 18-19
Nurturing the Artistic Temperament, N’Vision & Prairie Bible College, Prairie Campus, Three Hills, AB
March 20 - April 21
Ministry in Eurasia, Ukraine, Germany.
September through November - Based in Stuttgart, Germany
Sept 20-21 Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Sept 22 - Oct 7 Resource Development - Christian Music Academy - Kiev/Irpin, Ukraine
Oct 11-12 - EBTC, Berlin (
Oct 14 - Nov 4 Stuttgart, TeachBeyond
Nov 8 - 10 National Youth Congress, Ukraine
Nov 10 - 16 Christian Music Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania
MARCH 16-18
Christian Music Academy, Riga, Latvia
MARCH 19-22
Christian Music Academy, Irpin, Ukraine
MARCH 23-24
Regional Music Pastors Conference, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
MARCH 26 - April 1
Christian Music Academy, Georgia
April 2-4
Textbook Consulting, Kiev, Ukraine
May 9-23
Resource Development Work, Christian Music Academy, Kiev, Ukraine
Sept, Oct, Nov
Project Work for “Russian Holistic Worship DVD package,” Book writing projects.
Christian Music Academy, Riga, Latvia
MARCH 19-22
Christian Music Academy, Irpin, Ukraine
MARCH 23-24
Regional Music Pastors Conference, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
MARCH 26 - April 1
Christian Music Academy, Georgia
April 2-4
Textbook Consulting, Kiev, Ukraine
May 9-23
Resource Development Work, Christian Music Academy, Kiev, Ukraine
Sept, Oct, Nov
Project Work for “Russian Holistic Worship DVD package,” Book writing projects.