Written from a Christian worldview perspective, the book integrates the following: historical information Old Testament worship understanding of Psalms biblical principles of worship spiritual lives of great composers history of Christian worship musical terms music theory and analysis spiritual meaning of some of the great sacred Masterworks.
This is Part 1 - from beginning of time to the end of Bach and Handel - 1750. The greatly desired Russian translation has been started. Pray for a speedy translation and editing process as well as the required funds.
The outline for Part 2 is being finalized. Contributors are being sought and assigned Click below for full report
CONTENTS OF BOOK Chapter 1. Origins of Western European and Slavic Music Topics covered: Musical Culture Egypt, Mesopotamia and Israel, Music in the Old Testament, Introduction to Book of Psalms, Seven genres of Psalms, Structure of Psalm,
Chapter 2. The emergence of Christianity. Topics covered: Christian Worship in the early church, historical and social background, Christian liturgical singing, hymns in the early church, the unique contribution of hymns to worship, songs in the Scriptures
Chapter 3. Music of the Middle Ages - Eastern Topics covered: Historical and social background, general characteristics, religious themes, images and symbolism, Byzantine culture, key religious leaders of the first millennium.
Chapter 4. Music of the Middle Ages -Western Topics covered: Historical and social background, general characteristics, reform of church music, Gregorian chant, Sequence and Tropes, Development of the Mass, Liturgical Drama, Early Polyphony, Troubadours, Key church leaders
Chapter 5. Renaissance and Reformation. Topics covered: How world view shaped the Renaissance and Reformation, development of national styles in France, England, Spain. church music in the late Renaissance, Martin Luther - influence and lessons from his life, other reformers and famous religious groups, Lutheran chorale, reformation outside Germany, Catholic Counter Reformation, Orlando de Lasso, Gabrieli and the Venetian School, Heinrich Schütz, comparison of Renaissance and Baroque music
Chapter 6. Baroque Music Topics covered: Introduction to Baroque, Italian Baroque, Sacred Music, Secular Music, Vocal Music, Opera, Florentine "Camerata", Monteverdi, instrumental music and main forms, French baroque music culture, Francois Couperin, English Baroque, Development of congregational song, Evangelical pietistic movement, English hymnody
Chapter 7. Johann Sebastian Bach Topics covered:: Bach and his time, personal faith of Bach, Bach’s Bible and significance of eight personal notations, main periods of Bach’s life, theology and music in Bach's life, overview of Bach’s Music, understanding symbolism in the music of Bach, with specific examples from some of his major choral works.
Chapter 8. Georg Friedrich Handel Topics covered: Main periods of Handel's life, Overview of Handel’s music, analysis of Handel’s Messiah.
Appendix. Contains 21 scores of hard to find music of composers (primarily Renaissance and early Baroque) whose works are mentioned and briefly described in the text.
Russian Language 2 DVD Resource Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
12 Part DVD Russian version, with leader's guide and participants study booklet Псалмы, гимны, и духовные песнопения (Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs) available from author and speaker. Use contact page to order.
Planning and implementation of MusikDienst - EBTC
As an associate of Music in World Cultures, I am assisting the EBTC (Europäisches Bibel Trainings Centrum) with the development of a one year music training program for worship leaders.
Ausbildung zum Musikdienst, 2015 http://dlvr.it/BcPL3l