Book Testimonials
"Finally, I can benefit from the same teaching that people all over the world receive at your seminars. I am so excited to have the opportunity to read this." - Kelowna
Appreciation for seminar book is based on.
Here is a partial list of what participants in the seminar have expressed appreciation for:
- insight into why people act and react to the varied and complex dynamics of corporate worship
- insight into personal feelings and emotional responses that people’s actions trigger in them
- help in uncovering the different presuppositions that people possess—presuppositions that are often hidden, but are clearly the cause of tensions and conflicts
- increased ability to understand some of the dynamics of change in the church and in Christian communities
- help in meeting the diverse worship needs and desires of different personalities, cultures, genera- tions, and maturity levels
- tools to use in diagnosing symptoms and solving problems
- a vocabulary of word pictures to help people identify the issues at work in times of conflict and invite them to become part of a solution
- practical ideas that can be used to build unity and spiritual maturity
- biblical principles of worship and discipleship that are transcultural and cross-cultural
- an in-depth study of the meaning of the words “psalms,”“hymns,” and “spiritual songs”
Testimonials re Artistic Temperament Seminar
- “I wanted to thank you for your sermon on Sunday morning. I would be deeply honoured to have any part whatsoever in promoting your talk. I write a blog in conjunction with my tea house, and I posted my thoughts about your sermon on my blog. Your message has resonated with me and lived with me as I move through this week. I just wish that your talk was compulsory for all evangelical churches in North America - but then you might have no life whatsoever.”
- “I like this seminar because it specifically focuses on the artist which is rarely the focus.”
- “I appreciated the before and after description of the characteristics of the artistic temperament.”
- “Thank you so much for presenting this course. I now have a greater appreciation for myself in Christ.”
- “I appreciated the visual support of colours and shapes that helped emphasize concepts.”
- “I appreciated the validation of the artistic temperament which I have considered a curse.”
- “It is taking me most of my life to let myself acknowledge that I am an artistic person. Most of the people in my life have not looked upon art as valuable. I WISH I had learned to deal with drawing and oil paints as a young person. . . thank you for this sermon. I plan to listen to it a number of times in the days to come. I might even take some art classes!”
- “The story of David’s life and ministry gave a new dimension of thought and understanding.”
- “I now understand that the struggle to ‘do it right’ (artistic technique) is part of the gifting.”
- “The positive identification of an artist (David) that God loved, called, chose, used and blessed was most meaningful for me.”
- “The seminar helped me understand my artistic family members.”
- “Wonderful learning/modelling/worship/fellowship experience. Thank you James”
General Testimonials
- "Your ultimate goal is the greater glory of God through the cultivation and enabling of a rich culture of vibrant creative proclamation within each local church as well as His Church across the globe, a proclamation not only faithful to the truth of Scripture but proclaimed in a way that is consistent with and worthy of the gloriousness of that truth in each local context. You seek to enrich and transform the impoverished culture that results when churches--pastors and artists alike--don't aspire and don't feel enabled to take the unchanging doctrinal truth of the Scripture and bring it to bear on the changing creative ways that we express that truth in community across the centuries. This is the most precious insight that you have taught me to desire and pray and work toward."